It is very important that you follow these instructions carefully for optimum results:

  • No alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before appointment.

  • Do not work out 24 hours before appointment (body heat expands the pores). It is recommended not to sweat (heavily) for the first 10-14 days after the procedure. Sweat is salt and will prematurely fade, blur or cause the pigment not to take at all.

  • Avoid sun/tanning/burning 4 weeks prior and 4 weeks after procedure as it will affect results.

  • Do not take Aspirin, Advil, Aleeve, Niacin, Vitamin E or Ibuprofen 24 hours before application.

  • Do not take fish oil for 2 weeks prior to application.

  • No brow waxing or tinting one week before application (let your brow hair grow out for as long as you can stand it). After two weeks from each session, you may resume brow waxing, tweezing or tinting.

  • No Botox for a minimum of 3 weeks prior to your application and 3 weeks after.

  • No Accutane for 1 year prior to application.

  • No chemical peels 60 days before and 60 days after (if you do, the brows will fade quicker due to Retinols/Retin-A's, other anti-aging creams or serums containing acids that fade your permanent makeup prematurely even after it has healed).

Please note you will be more sensitive if you have fibromyalgia or are on your menstrual cycle.

Smoking will cause the pigment to fade prematurely and anesthetics will not last as long.

You may wear makeup to the appointment. Your brows will be cleaned and sanitized prior to starting the procedure

LIP TATTOO: If you are prone to cold sores, please speak with your Dr. beforehand about acquiring an anti-viral medication to take a week before and week after your procedure to prevent break-outs.